Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tonight I get to be McMom. It's kind of ironic I drew this job from the PTA list because well, three of my kids can't eat at the Mc place due to celiac disease and food allergies. This is clearly an example of sacrificing the individual for the benefit of the community.

Why am I doing this? Well, I'm a stay at home mom, so I can be somewhere at 4pm, when normal people are just getting off work. My dh has flextime, so he can be home early to stay with the allergic kids. I love my kids school, and I love the 10% of sales they get from the Mcplace just for hosting these things and sending out a few fliers.

It also drives home to my kids the idea that we are a part of a larger community. That sometimes we do things that aren't necessarily about us, or even the best thing for us as individuals, because it is the best thing for our group as a whole. That's a hard lesson to drive home. Even adults have a tough time with it.

Most importantly, every time we volunteer for our kids school, club, den, it lets them know we care what happens to them, and want to be involved with them. We don't have to lead. Not everyone is a leader. We just have to be there.

That's enough reasons for me to be McMom tonight.

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