Thursday, September 25, 2008

Preschool Principles

If you are in the kitchen, I'm hungry.

If you are cleaning/have just cleaned a room, I must play there NOW.

and the corollary that if you've just put something up, I must get it out.

There is no better time to play in the mud than right after a bath.

The best place to use the bathroom is anywhere but home.

The baby's nap time is the best time to demand endless attention and want to play noisy games.

I want whatever we're out of for lunch, nothing else.

I have to do it myself! (Even if I can't quite yet.)

The best time for a hug/story is when you're holding someone else.

Okay, really, anytime is great for a hug, story, kiss....except bedtime. Cause I can't go to bed unless all that happens first!

I LOVE you mom, no matter what.

(Yeah, I love you guys too.)