Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One shaken bottle of soda w/ mentos uncorked.....

That's what it's like to have a freshly recovered, rested, six year old boy stuck at home for the day, because his fever broke at 6pm instead of 6am the day before. Fortunately for me, he had a new toy to play with. Unfortunately for me, it's one of those bopper balloons.

First, early this morning, "Mom, will you blow this up for me, pleeeaaase?"

Snort, grunt.....after your brothers leave for school okay? That bought me half an hour!

Then as the fading backpacks turn the corner, "NOW?!"

Allright. So I get to spend 15 minutes huffing and puffing, and blowing the hot air in. Then I tied the end. Then the "bop.bop,bop" began...

Look mom! I'm good at this!"

"Sure are honey." So he bopped his way through the entire morning...Princess D was indignant he wouldn't share at first, but then wrapped herself up in colored pencils and a notebook.

Now we've had dinner, dh is waiting to work on the puter. And the bop, bop, bop, that has beein going all day long has just entered the room. Good luck honey.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Hehehehe. Your clever endings always crack me up!