Sunday, May 17, 2009

If I ever doubt my kids need me.......

all I have to do is try to take an afternoon nap. Besides being jumped on, having the covers pulled off, the light switch flipped, my bedroom suddenly smelling like applesauce.......
"Mo-om. Mo-om?'
"Are you done with your nap yet?"
"Mo-om? What's for snack?"
"Mom, can we go Game Stop?"
"Mom, I was taking the ree-sie-k-ling out and Si escaped out into the back yard!"

Now keep in mind I'm not napping while home alone. I would like the house to remain standing, so Mr. M is home. He's an involved father. He loves the kids. He helps with the housework. I have no idea why they come to me to report the ants on the wall or the fridge being open when he's right there, ready and willing! It must be the magic of being mom.
Of course, today he's watching the NBA playoffs. So maybe it wasn't the best day to try and fit in a nap.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Hehehe..."Si escaped out into the back yard!"

And, "I have no idea why they come to me to report the ants on the wall or the fridge being open"

Your blog is always good for a laugh! :)