Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Robin

There's a robin I've been watching this morning. It's outside our our dining area window, trying to pick up some string that fell on the ground from when we were tying branches. It gathers a bunch up in it's beak and takes off! Then it loses the string. Puzzled, the bird keeps coming back. It wants that string to build it's home. Too bad the string is still attached to the spool.

Sometimes I feel like that bird. I want to be free to build my home, but the materials I want are anchored down by something else. I can either find the tools to free what I want, or change my desires to suit what I have. It doesn't do any good to keep coming back to the same piece of string empty handed over and over again.

My kids sometimes feel that way too. They just want something so bad.....but are they willing to work for it? Even then, it doesn't mean they'll always get it. That robin has been working pretty hard all morning with nothing to show for it. Are they willing to look at the situation, and form a plan? Our older ones are getting better at this. Mostly though, we all need to learn to be content with the materials we have.

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