Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's May. It's May.

The overbooked month of May, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thankfully it's not a train. This Saturday will be Chip's last football game, and Princess D's last soccer game. Next Monday Si Guy will be a whopping 2 years old! Next week is Mr. M's week with the life sucking pager, otherwise known as "single mom week" around here. After that is the last two days of school, a dance recital, our oldest's last two soccer games, then on to summer....The second week of June is VBS and after that I can really relax and enjoy being a mom...well, unless we move.

Move? Why would we move? Our house is in the perfect location, four doors from the elementary school we adore. Our neighbors are all great people. We're close to highways, shopping, and within walking distance of a park. Darn disappearing landlord. His office hasn't been staffed in over a month, and he isn't answering his phone. That just makes us feel a bit insecure. There's a place Mr. M is looking at today that has cheaper rent and is much closer to where he works. The schools are okay there. It's still close to shopping, and the land-lady answers her phone. We figured we better go ahead and look into it. We may not get it. There is competition...but we thought we should try.

The idea of moving kind of scares me for other reasons too. It means I'll be venturing back into home schooling. I already promised our oldest I wouldn't make him go to a new school for just one year, that he could merge in sixth grade when everyone would be new to the building. Our older daughter is supposed to be starting kindergarten, but I'm not comfortable with a mandatory full day program. Now the kindergarten thing I've done before. It's a lot of fun...but I had a preschool to help me out. 5th grade? The changeling? Now that's uncharted territory. Wherever God and my husband lead, I will follow. They both want all things to work for our family's good, so I know whatever happens we'll end up on higher ground.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Did you end up moving? Guess I'll have to keep reading...