Thursday, May 7, 2009

Momma is having a rock star day, or not.

This morning, I woke up vowing to get the house back in order, have cheerful children and a grateful, non-stressed attitude. It was raining. Surely I could stay off the computer, entertain the kids, and clean. I had the dishwasher running an the front living area picked up. The girls were dressed and in their right minds on the computer, "sharing" their turn. Si guy was entranced by PBS kids morning line up. It was all going so well! Then the phone rang.
"This is pediatric dentist specialists calling about Princess P's appointment...."
Guess mommy isn't a rock star after all. How could I forget an an appointment I just scheduled last week?
"We have an opening at 2:45."
"Ok." (Anything to avoid those missed appointment fees.)
I hang up the phone and mentally calculate where I'd be at 3:10. Time to call the big guns, Mr. M.
"Honey, I need you." I am half sobbing into the phone.
"What? What is it?" He's kind of freaked. I don't make these kinds of calls often.
"I forgot Princess P's and SI's dentist appointments this morning. They've rescheduled them for 2:45. Can you be home for the big boys by 3:10?"
Big sigh of relief or "oh brother." "I'll see what I can do."
"Thank you. I'm so sorry. I was just trying to get the house caught up."
"It's okay." Click. One mildly annoyed husband, but one who will do anything for his wife to the rescue. Check. Now my heart can stop pounding.
I look around. I have one room under control. The house is started, but I know it will never really be finished. At least I still have the cheerful children. Knock on wood they stay that way.

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