Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Guy, the melting pot

Kids who are further down the line may not get as much individual attention, but they certainly have a greater variety of experiences. Take our Baby Guy. I've never seen an 18mo old who kicks a soccer ball correctly before. Much to Princess P's dismay, he's also an expert tackler. He also LOVES to dance. So perhaps he does get something from from tagging along to all the others activities.

He does still have interests of his own though. Jacks Big Music Show is his favorite thing on t.v. He is one of two children in our house who likes beans. His favorite fruit is bananas in an apple house. He seems to have an avid interest in pole vaulting lately. He found half a curtain rod, runs with it horizontally, puts it down vertically, and tries to jump. Maybe we watched too much of the Olympics this summer.

He learns to like to do what we all do. He colors with his sisters and puppy piles with his brothers. He loves the outdoors. He "helps" sweep and unload the dishwasher. He tries to steal the mouse and keyboard to the computer. He loves stuffed animals, books, balls, and Greys Anatomy. Maybe he'll grow up to be a surgeon. Maybe he'll grow up to be park ranger or software engineer. Who knows? As long as he grows up loving God, life, and people I think he'll be okay.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

:) Sounds like an all around good kid to me! You guys are doing a fabulous job with them!