Monday, November 17, 2008

Time alone??

What's that? We have six kids. Despite the facts, Mr. M and I had a whole six hours alone yesterday, courtesy of his mom.

Beforehand I was a tad anxious. We'd never left Baby Guy more than five minutes away. The older kids were a tad indignant that we would eat out and go to a sporting event without them. Why should we have any fun without them? For the most part, they got over it with the word "Grandma." Our oldest had a hard time puzzling it out though.

"Date?! What you do you need a date for? You're already married!"

Quite frankly, we've had more dates after we were married than before, and we both like it that way. (The before number is two, in case anyone was wondering.) There's no pressure in married dating, no wondering if they're going to "like" you, and no worrying about getting too close or attached. Once your married, there's no such thing as too close or attached, and we don't marry people we don't like.

Married dating is more about reminding yourself about all the things you do like about your spouse, having a dinner where no food is thrown on the floor and you don't have to cut anyone's meat. It's about having a conversation that does not include the word mom. It's about doing something fun without having to stop and count noses every fifty yards. It's about not having to load a bag, bring money for snacks, remind people to wash their hands. It's a reminder of what life was like before, and will be after.

As soon as we get back to the car, I call mom. "How are the kids doing? We'll be home soon." We'll have years for peace and quiet later. I'm ready to get back to my kids.

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