Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let freedom ring~

Today was the last game for both soccer and football, and both Mr. M & I sighed in relief. We love our kids. We love the sports they play. We love the discipline and physical activity, teamwork,etc.
We do not love what it does to our schedule.

Yes folks, we now have two nights and Saturday totally free for chores, family fun, or just breathing. And our kids get a break too, before they get burnt out. Chips last words today were, "When is my next football game?"
"In March."
"It's too cold in the winter."
"Aw man, okay."
NOBODY tell him about indoor football, please.

#1 was just happy to have his pizza party, pictures, and medal for a job well done. He finally has realized he CAN be athletic, if he works at it.

So we're glad they did it. But we're also glad we don't have to set an alarm on Saturday morning, that our cold winter days can be spent w/ hot apple cider and books, and our evenings can be toy and bubble filled baths instead of quick showers and straight to bed.
Sometimes it's nice to have the freedom to just be.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Very nice! Here's to cold winter nights at home! :)