Friday, November 7, 2008

Food, the blessing and the curse

Since we've been working w/ Princess P and her new diet, she's definitely been feeling better. More smiles and fewer tantrums are welcome in any two year old. BUT, her dipes have still been having issues off and on, and now I feel like an idiot. Part one of the mystery was solved two weeks ago, when at the grocery store, I realized I had broken one of the cardinal rules of allergic kids.
*READ all labels EVERY time you shop.*
It turned out, our favorite waffles had soy flour in them. So, we just bought french toast sticks. (Ever try to make gluten free, dairy free, EGG FREE, french toast? This is why allergic food is so expensive. They probably run through a thousand recipes before they find one that reasonably resembles the original food.)
My other mistake, was thinking I *knew* the list. It turns out one of our favorite oils is taboo, as in, tested at the same level as the stuff that makes her break out in hives taboo. EEK.
So I call my ever sympathetic MIL, almost crying, and she brings me down to earth. I am doing my best. She is getting better. I am still feeding her a well balanced diet, which is no easy task with her restrictions of beef, shrimp, gluten,milk, soy, eggs, and more.

And then I realize how childish I am, and how it can be so much worse. I have a relative w/ a child who can eat no food at all, except dum dums. He is getting a tube put directly in his stomach today, so his formula will have a direct route. He's three. Her faith, strength, and grace amaze me every time I see her. And on top of this, her toddler, who's only about a month older than baby guy, is getting scoped out for the same illness. Here's a link to more info about the disease, and a new foundation to raise funds to fight it. (You may have to copy and paste it. I am not a genius in these matters.)

Seeing her attitude, and what she's going through, makes me look like a whiner in a rose garden. Sure, there are thorns, but it sure isn't a thistle patch. I'll be praying for her family today, and ask that you would do the same. Peace be with you all.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Way to get your perspective, perspective! I'm praying right now for you and her.