Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kids and their stuff

This morning Chip was looking for his November homework. I handed the crumple papers to him, and he was very indignant about it's condition.
"Well, if you want it to be in better shape, you have to take care of it."
"But Mom, it's all the same shape!" And so it is, after all 8 1/2" x 11" rectangles.

Princess D has learned the hard way that doll hair does not grow back, that markers on walls don't wipe off well with bedsheets, and that it's hard to tell which clothes are clean and which aren't when you leave them all on the floor. She is gradually edging towards leaving her clean clothes in the drawers and putting the dirty ones in the basket. Her efforts might work better if Princess P didn't think of the laundry basket as her royal ship.

Baby guy of course, is just a toddler. He thinks in terms of me and mine. He doesn't care about the where yet, just the who. He'll play with anything, anytime, and leaves a tornado in his wake. Princess P is a little mommy, and will often follow along, trying to "clean up" behind him.

The oldest two boys are faring better. Our oldest realizes that something left on the floor might go in a trashcan...and that electronics left out might prove enticing to younger siblings. The law of the jungle has been helping him learn to be more responsible. Bob has always been my neat-nick. His clothes and room are generally neat. I'm not really sure where he got that from.
Maybe he could teach me.

All in all, I'm glad stuff isn't anyone's first priority.

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