Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cats? Who needs cats? We have toddlers.

Before I married Mr. M, I was a serious cat person. So much so, that in early marriage we attempted to keep one my cats, and adopted a stray kitten who needed vet care. The animals had to stay outside due to Mr. M's cat allergy. Neither situation lasted long.

Now that we have children, I realize that my love for cats is probably linked to my love for toddlers. Both like to sleep on your face. Both like to be played with when you should be working.
Neither cat nor toddler can fully decide if it's better to be out or in. Both love you unconditionally, on their own time. Neither one of them cares who's bed it is, that's where THEY want to sleep. Neither one has any fear about wrapping themselves around your legs when you're walking carrying food. Both cats and toddlers have that constant quandary of trying to decide what's more important, constant attention or total independence.

Cats are cheaper to feed, and can be left alone all day. Cats stay cats for ten or twenty years. Cats don't speak any form of English, so you have to guess their intentions by their actions.

Toddlers only stay toddlers for a couple of years, then they turn into preschoolers. They need constant supervision, but are also continual fun. Toddlers can hug you. Toddlers can say "My mommy!" Toddlers are constantly growing and learning about the world around them. They do not need a litter box their entire lives.

They grow into people, and if we're lucky and do our job right...they'll take care of us when we're old, or at least pick a nice nursing home. And if I don't do things right, I guess I can always get a cat again.

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