Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lemon cream pie

Today I was watching Baby Guy eat lemon cream pie for lunch. He was very methodical about it. First, he ate the crust...yes with his fingers. Then he ate the whipped cream, also with his fingers. Then he poked at the lemon, ate a bit, made a face, ate some more, made a scrunchier face, etc. until it was gone. He then climbed down, toddled his sticky self over to me, and demanded to be picked up. So now I'm wearing pie.

Welcome to life. When we pick it apart trying to get the good parts first, we generally make a huge mess, and that mess spreads to those who care about us.

If we just pick up our fork, and take the sweet with sour, what a symphony life can be.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

That's quite the analogy! It never ceases to amaze me that you have time to come up with this stuff with 6 kids running around all eager for your attention!