Friday, January 9, 2009

The Princess and the C

Princess D is going to be in sales or politics when she grows up. I'm almost certain of it. Her favorite book is The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, not because of the environmental message, but because it has a model on how to convince people to buy anything. And if anyone looks like a fresh, gullible customer to her, it would be her brother Chip.

Now Chip is a sociable guy who loves everybody. He sometimes has an Odie complex where he'd run off a table if you told him to. His sister fully aware of this, prepared her plan to lure him into servitude for her purposes.

"Oh, Chi-ip. Look! I fixed this for you."
"Oh, thanks I guess."
"Uh-huh. Well,...."
"Um, Princess D. What was wrong with it?"

See, my lil guy who'll do anything for anyone isn't really the most stuff oriented kid. It's okay if his pillow is a little frayed. It's soft. And if the legos are missing a few pieces you can still build something, even if it's not the picture on the box. Besides, I think that's a question we should all ask more often, before we go out and buy the latest and greatest "fix" for our aging bodies or used belongings, is what's wrong with the way it is now? Why worry about getting the "new and improved" everything? All the same, this question was the one thing his sister was not prepared for. It's just not how she's wired, with her dolls lined up, and her nails polished, she's very much a "just so" kind of gal.

"Well, ah, can't you see how much better it is?!"
"Don't think so, but thanks for thinking of me."

She then rolled her eyes and went off looking for her sister. "Oh princess P......"

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