Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere

Princess P is quite fascinated by bubbles at the moment. She has used our Sam's sized bottle of Dove shampoo as a bubble bath. She has used the hand wash soap from the side of the sink as bubble bath. She has used her body wash as bubble bath. So, finally, I've broken down and bought her a bottle of bubble bath. She tries to bathe at least twice a day, not to be clean, but so she can have her bubbles.

How many of us have gone through the motions for the wrong reasons? We don't really want to be healed, be taught, or serve. We just want to see our friends, feel good, and have our bubbles. Nothing is wrong with bubbles. Bubbles are pretty. Bubbles are fun to play with. But spend too much time with the bubbles and your skin gets dried out. You can get a UTI. not much fun. So have fun playing with the bubbles, but remember the reason for a bath is to get clean.

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