Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to tell them

Mr. M's grandfather died this morning. He was a pillar of faith. He expressed all the fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22 right up to the end, especially peace, love, & joy. He was preceded by his wife four years ago. Their marriage was a beacon of hope to us all, that it can be done.

That said, we received the call this morning after the older children had already left for school. That means I have to tell them when they get home. The older children will remember his house, and his magnificent train set he had set up in the basement. They may remember the mug collection from all fifty states and the organ in the living room. They will remember visiting his room at the retirement community and that he seemed tireder once he moved. But will they remember who he was? Or the stories he had to tell?

Will they ask us about death? After all, other than taxes, it's about the only certain part of life. Will they ask us the big WHY questions? And do we have the answers they will need?
Will they realize how blessed they were to know him at all?

I really don't know. Yet death is a part of life, and really it's just a comma. For Granddaddy, the best is yet to come.


MagenRanae said...

Praise the Lord for such a man and marriage that you guys got to witness. I'm sorry for your loss - how was it telling your kids?

Unknown said...

They were all okay. I told them at the table while they were eating snack after school. Everything goes down easier with gingerbread.