Thursday, October 30, 2008

How do you have time to blog?

A childless blogger friend of mine asked me this recently. Really, I don't, but just like a quiet time, if it's important enough to me, I'll find time to do it....but there are definitely consequences.

This morning, Princess P is still asleep, and Princess D and Baby Guy are stuffing their I can be here. Most of the time, t.v., food, and/or naps are involved.

Yesterday's epic took me too long to write that way, so I paid the price. Yes, while I was sitting here pegging away, thinking my kids were watching DragonTales and Word World, Princess P decided she needed a new career in carpet styling, and Princess D was so excited to tell me about it.

"Mom, mom, P got into the hair gel!"

We recently had a "crazy hair night" at AWANA, so we had this monstrously huge $1 bottle of hair gel for the occasion. We had it and the orange hair coloring up on a high shelf for Halloween. Apparently, the shelf wasn't high enough.

Fortunately, it was the slimy, goopy, fun she was after, as opposed to expressing her artisitic side, so the carpet was only slimed, not colored. I blotted up what I could with towels, and am totally open to ideas on how to get the rest of the dried crunchy spot out.

When I went back after lunch to finish the post, I thought all was well. They were eating after all. Uh, no, apparently I left the ground cloves too close to the edge of the counter. My kitchen had a great spicy smell from the floor for the rest of the day. At least I knew how to clean that up!

And so for today, I am out time. The oatmeal is gone. Baby Guy is climbing me, and Princess P is awake.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Awww - sorry about the hair gel. I actually have a good friend who JUST bought new couches, and her kids got hair gel all over. She used corn starch to soak it up...not sure if it's too late for that or not?