Friday, October 24, 2008


Don't parent teacher conferences feel like a grade card for parents? It seems like were doing okay.

Our oldest son is doing well. His abilities are way above grade level for reading and math. He's kind and courteous. He's eager to help. His main flaw is that he reads too much. Instead of participating in class, he'd rather participate in a dragon battle, change bodies w/ someone, or other fun things in books. I think there other more fatal flaws out there.

Next was our kindie's conference. He's fortunate enough to have a teacher who appreciates him for who and what he is. Her main thing is could his homework make it back to school, completed? Mmmm. Sure, as soon as I find the superglue to glue it in his folder and the duct tape to tie him to the chair. She loves how sweet, tenderhearted, and kind he is to everyone. He has no enemies. Overall, about what I expected. Yeah Chip!

Our last conference was our second grader. The teacher thinks he's the brightest kid in the class. She appreciates how funny he is & how he tries to be fair and kind to everyone else. She just wishes he'd be fair and kind to himself. Perfectionism is a terrible burden to bear. We know, but we don't know how to help with that one either. Really, he's pretty well liked and he seems to be getting past all his IEP worthy difficulties in language. Once he settled into the new room and routine, he's taken off well.

All our kids got mostly good checks on their take-home sheets. So I guess, everyone passed.