Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin time!

I swear pumpkins are October's version of coat hangers. As of today, we have 4 large, one medium, and 4 small pumpkins gracing our home. This Friday, our kindie will be bringing home one from a field trip. Next Saturday, they'll be selling more at the school carnival.

Our kids love pumpkins so much, right now we have a jack-o-lantern tablecloth. Very high class in a preschool kind of way. Our centerpiece, pumpkins of course!

After we've rounded up all the pumpkins, we'll have our annual jack-o-lantern fest. The little kids will either paint or color their pumpkins with markers. The bigger kids will sketch designs for theirs, and "assist" their father in gutting and carving them. I'm sure the event will earn a blog entry of it's own.

Our oldest even had his hair spray-painted pumpkin orange at a local mall's pumpkin fundraiser today. If I ever figure out how to post pictures, I'll post it.

I love pumpkin season. I love baking pumpkin bread. I love eating pumpkin pie. I love seeiing how creative our kids our. I love teaching them that the best lights shine from within. It's truly one of the best times of year for everyone in our home.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Sounds fabulous! Do you ever bake pumpkin seeds?