Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kid snips....

This is not just because all of my kids need haircuts right now, although the girls shouldn't...but their last round I went to the wrong kiddie cutting place. Always, Always, go to the one up North Mom. The difference between North and South is truly a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of thing, same name, totally different attitudes. No, it's because I can't string together enough thoughts on the same kid today to make a fun entry, I'm MAD....mom attention deficit. So...

#1) Where is my sweet ten year old, and who is this sleepy, grumpy, indifferent being that's taking over his body? Fortunately, the alien always leaves after a few hours, but it's unpredictable when he'll show up.

#2) The sign on his door cracks me up. Stay out no girl with the picture of the smiling skull. So does his name for his bank, big baseball cute piggy. He's in the golden days of middle childhood. Enjoy.

#3) Football was FREEZING last night. He was crying at the end of practice, but immediately turned off the faucet when the letters QT came into play. There is no problem too big for food .

#4)Princess D is counting down to Halloween. Only 2 more days! She's also discovered the joy of flashlights, and searches out dark places to explore. Now if she'd just explore her closet....

#5)Princess P. She's well, a two year old. Full of vim vigor, and finally adjusting to her new diet. I think we're on day three of not raiding forbidden food, but the apples and corn chips are an entirely different matter. Nothing like reaching into a bag of apples to find a bite taken out of each one.

#6) Baby guy, otherwise known as JAWS. He was in a biting mood yesterday. Shoulders seemed to be especially tasty. Food, not so much. There are reasons I sweep under the dining room table with a broom before I vacuum.

They're all mine....mine...MINE! Whooohahaha. And for the most part, I love it that way.

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