Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One tackled his sister and they fell fell in giggly glee. Yes, the littles are still here, and a la Harry Potter, they solemnly swear they are up to no good. Sometimes, I wonder if they do have the invisibility cape. The way fruit snacks, pretzels, and juice disappear around here is amazing.

It wouldn't be a big deal either, if Princess P wasn't supposed to be gluten free. But she is. And we still have not reached the point where she's gone 24 hours without raiding something, whether it's a sibling's cereal bowl or scaling the shelves for those pretzels while her brother is nursing. She's not convinced that her owie behind is that big a problem. She's just happy the tummy ache from the milk is gone. She's been dairy free willingly for about a month now, and her mood has improved immensely.

We've tried different solutions already. We store the "safe foods" on a different shelf. We try not to serve forbidden snacks in front of her. We bribe her w/ yummy alternatives, which she eats quite happily. She just wants both!

Why not ban gluten from the house? Well, I have this person around called a husband. He and our oldest son would stage a rebellion. I also have three other kids who are not GF. My grocery budget is already equal to my rent, and I just don't have the funds to double it....and other silly things like that.

So that leaves us with trying to outsmart a two year old. I guess our lack of success says it all. We'll just keep trying. We've almost gone a whole day once, it's just a couple more hours the next one, and the next one.....

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

:( That's tough. Hopefully she'll just reach the point where it does bother her?