Saturday, October 18, 2008

judgement day, school style

Yes, yesterday was report card day. It's funny how much you learn about your kids on this day, not just from the "report card", but from their attitude about it.

It was Chip's first, and he could have cared less. He's in Kindergarten, I guess that's appropriate.

What's not appropriate was a minus in counting. He can count to 29. How high are they supposed to count the first quarter of kindergarten? Of course, when he counts at home, he bounces as he counts, preferably on a bed. They probably don't allow that at school. He also had an "I" for neatness. Looking at the pile of old bills, drawings, dust,etc. on my computer desk, or the war zone called our family room, I think it's pretty clear where that came from. It's a wonder it wasn't an "N". And of course, the lovely comment of "looking forward to conferences."

Bob is my academic guy. All those S+'s. All those +'s for study and behavior habits. He was in perfectionist kid heaven. But again, that comment, looking forward to conferences. What's that supposed to mean?

Then our oldest....He was really thinking we were just going to hand him a new game for his DS. Then reality sank in. He didn't get straight A's. He hadn't earned his new game. The B+ in language we would have overlooked. But a B in Math, from a competitive mathmetician who placed 2nd in Mathletics?

I think the comments explained this one. "Two areas he can improve on is paying attention in class, and slowing down to improve the quality of his work." Time to review life skill fact #153. "Even if you've done it a million times, you have to do it right THIS time. Much of your adult life will involve repeating tasks you've already mastered, and going to classes for things you already know." Followed by kid eye roll and "can't I have a game anyway?" Nope. No game, but here's your $10...which he promptly lost because he wouldn't stop playing the thing to put it away. I told him, if I find it, I'm keeping it....and also pointed out that if he hadn't lost that, and the $6 he had before, he would have enough money to buy his own game at the resale dealer.

"no fair!" And back to his game.
Time for life lesson #25. If you don't take care of your stuff, you just won't have stuff.
and #2, IF you really want something, you'll be willing to work for and yea shall find.
But he's not receptive to life lessons right now. He's in the middle of a game! No C's. He gets to keep his DS. He's okay with that.

He also got the best comment of all. "I appreciate his respectfulness of others and genuine friendliness." So he got an A+ in the areas that really matter. And truthfully, I couldn't be prouder of any and all of them.

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