Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gardening girls...sort of

Today when were outside for mudfest the girls took special interest in the violets by the house. They thought the whole yard should be filled with them, so they carefully picked some to transplant to the main part of the yard. Princess D poured some water on the stems around where she had poked them into the ground and watched impatiently. I tried to explain about roots, but she was quite insistent THAT was not the problem.

"Mom, I want to see them grow!"
"Honey it takes time for plants to grow."
"It does?"
"Uh-huh. When we plant seeds it takes several days for them to sprout."

About this time Princess P gently lifts them the flowers that we had been discussing of the ground to move them to a better spot.

"P! Don't touch those! It takes years for flowers to grow," Princess D scolds.
Not quite, but I'm sure that's how it feels to a child. I'm not sure I'd mind if they did. Then maybe spring would be for eternity.

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