Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mud wrestling anyone?

This afternoon we will be slip-sliding away. Chip has a football game at 3. Our oldest has a soccer game at 2:15 . So we'll be dividing and conquering the mud puddles along the way. The younger kids are excited to get outside. Princess D is also excited that her game wasn't cancelled. It's at 5:20. If it was a sunny day a picnic dinner would have been in order.
Thanks to the invention of "mock crocs" I'm not stressed at all. This time of year I am so thankful for shoes that can be cleaned with a hose and dried with a towel. Kids wash. Their clothes wash. It's going to be a great day.
I understand being fascinated with mud. If I had unlimited time and income, we would have an art studio in our home, complete w/ clay tools and maybe even a pottery wheel. The kids are just getting an early start on their etching skills, using sticks, stones, & fingers. They're learning about stamping and impressions with their shoes. They love the cool damp squishiness between their fingers and toes and the clean smell of the earth after the rain....and so do I.
It's going to be a wonderful day.

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