Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sometimes I wish life had a rewind button.

Some mornings just do not start well. Today is one of those, and really, I'm ready for the whole day to be over, and to start fresh tomorrow. The boys were all out of sorts before school. From needing notes and book fair money, to oversleeping and being grouchy, to being out of ham for lunch, to not being able to find shoes, today just did not start on the right foot.
One kid has a doctor's appointment for vertigo at 9:45. Mr. M usually rescues me from taking siblings to these types of things, but today he has a meeting at 10, so he can't. I'm not sure what I'm worried about more. The child probably is just having some complications from his allergies, but there's an outside chance of much nastier things....or the idea of keeping the youngest three goats under control, or not getting out in time to pick up Chip from kindergarten.

Some people say God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I disagree. I think he intentionally gives us more than we can handle so that we learn to depend on him. Please pray for us today.

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