Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Thursday!!!

And it's still rain-ing. So what do the babies want to do? Play in the tub. And that's fine by me. Poor Mr. M had quite a morning without me. Broken eggs in the fridge. The smell of nail polish as I walk in the door. Spaghetti all over the table. Husband oblivious at the computer. When it gets to be too much, just block it out. I walked in. He changed and left for the office. There are some days where he just can't believe what I do in a day. I told him "good luck."
He replied, "You're the one that's going to need it."

I don't know about that. I almost have the table cleared. The younger two are playing together in the tub. I hear them splashing quite merrily.
The older two are watching their newest Veggietales DVD.
Bob is safely back at school after the trip to the dentist. Word from the ped yesterday is that his vertigo is just a side effect of his allergies.
I think things are going to be okay.

Mr. M plays basketball tonight. He'll be okay too.

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