Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some days just start off on the wrong foot.

Something about waking up with a diaper over my face just warns me about a morning to come. Si guy woke up bright eyed, bushy tailed, and full of mischief. I have definitely gotten my morning workout already because he has graciously found everything I left out from baking last night.
The medium sized boys just did not want to get with the program this morning. Bob overslept, couldn't find his lunch box, and refused to put on clean clothes until ten minutes before it was time to leave. Chip wanted to go to school in his boxer briefs. Pants are stupid. Our oldest was crowing about how HE was ready early...but had he brushed his teeth?
The girls were also in fine form. Princess P decided to have a picnic for breakfast....in Princess D's bed. While changing the sheet, I noticed that Princess D had been practicing her scissor skills...and using her pillow to cover up the evidence. She soon realized your sin WILL find you out.
Yet despite all the chaos, I really wouldn't change my life or my kids for the world. The boys did get to school, on time and together, laughing on the way. The girls are now playing with their Littlest Pet Shop toys and stuffed animals, including a fascinated Si Guy on the fringe.
I finally have my diet soda.
Life is good.

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