Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A day in the life of Baby Guy

As I sit here holding a sleeping baby guy, the afternoon calm just washes over me. Toddlers smell so nice right after a bath. And this nap was hard earned, by both of us.

He's had an exciting morning of pulling ornaments off the tree, then storing them under the couch; climbing things that aren't meant to be climbed like toys, tupperware, an empty cider jug an older kid has kept around for a craft, whatever; jumping off various pieces of furniture to discover the best way to land, and so much more. He ate a yummy lunch of rice pasta with butter and shaker cheese with a juice box chaser, and was back in action.

Then, the big bad mommy declared it bath time for him and Princess P. He's okay with water now, so that's an improvement. He likes to play with buckets and bubbles and rubber ducks. Bath time would be just fine if he didn't have to be washed! He does need to be washed though, so howling like an injured hyena, with his head on mom's lap (just to make sure she gets wet too!), he pays his dues, and plays in the tub until his lips quivering give away that he's getting cold.

Nothing like getting out of the tub in clean clothes, eating a banana, and smooshing it around in your hair.....screaming hyena part two. All that screaming sure wears a guy out. Where's my boobie bar?!

And so it goes. Life with him around is never dull, and really quite fun.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I love this entry. Perfect description of a little felllow's morning.