Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Perfect snow

Yesterday we got the perfect amount of snow. Just enough for the kids to play in and melt off the roads by morning. Last night our oldest and his friend J went out and had a snowball fight, complete with boots and mismatched gloves. It was ten year old heaven.

This morning, the toddlers were glued to the sparkly stuff outside the window. When it was finally time to pick up Chip from Kindergarten, they could hardly contain themselves. On with boots and coats, and out to make tracks. literally. Baby Guy and Princess P just couldn't believe it. Everywhere they stepped, a hole in the snow was left behind. This stuff was magic....until they stuck their hands in it. Then it was just cold. That's okay....Mom's coat has pockets. A toddler on each leg just slows her down a little.

Princess D was very insistent on NOT wearing her boots. She was sooo ready to come back inside by the time we got home. Snow inside your tennis shoes doesn't feel very good. Nothing a nice warm water soak couldn't fix though.

Chip is still outside playing. He's dragging a plastic bat through the snow to draw pictures in the back yard. Maybe he'll build a snow-leaf man with his brothers when they get home later.

I still love the snow too, on days I don't have to drive. It's just so pretty, so sparkly, so Christmasy. It's like the stars have fallen onto the ground. It's a wonder to behold, as are my children's different reactions to it. Let it snow...and snow...and snow.

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