Friday, December 12, 2008

Princess P prefers purple paper

Princess P drew bears with bellies on every piece of purple construction paper in the house today. They all had four limbs, necks, bodies,two eyes, two ears,a nose, and big smiles. She was so proud of herself. So proud, that on Dad's watch...she tried the same thing with finger paint on furniture. Ah, the joys of being two.

Princess D is much more pristine. She spent the afternoon carefully tracing stencils onto white paper, making sure everything lined up just so. Paper and pencil and her imagination keep her busy most of the day. And she is the princess in almost every scene, and her noble brother, Chip must rescue her.

Nah, he'd rather be the dragon. She can save herself.

Or maybe they'll just get out the big legos and build a castle....for baby guy to knock down.

Really, even the most ordinary day is an adventure. And it looks like we might still have some purple paper for tomorrow after all.

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