Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The year in review!

One of the great things about having little kids is that time just flies by, and they change so much. One of the hardest things about having little kids is that time just flies by, and they change so much.

Take Baby Guy, a year ago he was just learning to pull up and pull things off of shelves. Now not only can he pull boxes and jars off of shelves, he can open them and dump them out on the floor. He's his own vending machine. A year ago he could just kinda babble and point. Now he can say "I wan'" and "T'ank oo." There is nothing cuter than a one year old who says thank you.

A year ago Princess P was scribbling and had no idea of ownership. Now she draws cats, people, and has a sense of what's hers. She can tell stories and hold her own. She'll even be out of pull-ups soon.

A year ago Princess D was learning counting and colors. Now she knows letters and letter sounds, and has her first "real" bike. She's moved from care bears to Barbie. She had her first "real" classes away from home. In some ways, this is her big year, with kindergarten looming ahead.

Chip has had a huge year. He started kindergarten, played his first organized sport, took extra science classes, and so much more. He's gone from knowing half his letters to being able to read short stories from Dr. Seuss and the Beginners Bible. He makes friends everywhere he goes. He's just a joy to be around, and that's something I hope never changes.

Bob has grown a lot this year. He's a kinder kid than he was a year ago. He's realized that his drum is on the off beat, and is okay with it. It's still music. He's a determined, hard working kid. He earned his first real Bible this reading his first chapter book by himself. His self confidence is building, and it's nice to see him coming into his own.

Our oldest is growing up at an astounding rate. He's really not a little kid anymore. I often refer to him as the changling. His basic nature is still the same, optimistic, funny, faithful...but he's getting into deeper waters, starting the process of really growing up. He's starting to realize that not all friends are equal, and that his values are his own, not something he just magically inherits from us. He's entering a world of swirling emotions and changing interests, wanting to be anchored to us, but still sail his own ship. The balance between work and fun, and realizing they aren't mutually exclusive, is his current struggle. The year ahead will determine a lot about him and his character, but so far so good.

As for me and Mr. M, we've had a good year too. Mr. M still has a job after massive cuts in the company. We have a church home where we can contribute according to our gifts. Our kids are in a great school with great parent involvement. The year ahead may bring us a new home, one we can really call our own. At this pause, we're looking forward as much as back, and enjoying the present immensely.

May you all have an abundance of junk food, friends, and entertainment to bring in the new year!


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Peace be with you. Love your post about Lily.

MagenRanae said...

:) What a nice recap. Junk food, friends and entertainment is definitely what we had last night! It was fun.