Sunday, December 7, 2008

I don't care if I'm ever rich or famous....

I just want to be a star....Remember that song from Nunsense? I''m pleased to say, although neither rich nor famous, our kids were all stars tonight at the Christmas pageant, complete with bathrobe costumes.

Our oldest was the "lead shepherd, who knew all the on/off cues, and helped the others remember their lines. He enjoyed hamming it up w/ the boyz2men version of "When shepherds watched their flocks by night"

Chip just enjoyed jamming to the music. He was appropriately kindergarten cute, especially in his over-sized silky burgundy and navy paisley robe.

But, it was Bob who stole the show. He had that perfect little kid loud voice. His line was spoken sweetly, and his singing solo had mamas in tears, not just me. He was truly the star of the show...and everyone knew it. Sure a fifth grader had the lead, and his brother had more lines. Yet, it was the tiny second grader who put his whole heart into every song that won the audience today.

Good job boys. There will always be room for you.


Mama B said...

Mama M, YOU are doing a great job!

MagenRanae said...

:) yay! I bet they had a blast!!