Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Exhausted in futility.

Some days just feel like an exercise in futility. Today is one of them. I went to the store last night to get a fruit tray for church this morning. 8am call, it's canceled. Well, at least the kids are enjoying the fruit with their lunch.
Fast forward to 10:45.

"Guys, it's time to get ready to pick up Ethan!"
"But word world isn't over yet!"
"That's okay. It takes longer to get ready when it's cold."

10:55. The girls are playing in their room.

"I MEAN it this time. Let's get our socks and boots on."

"Noooooo!" Says the two year old princess P.

10 minutes later. We're supposed to be at the school NOW.
Princess D is ready, after much convincing.
Baby Guy has everything except his boots on, but his boots are in the car Dad took to work. I'ts okay I can carry him.
Princess P has been wrestled into socks and a coat, but mittens and boots are still a no go.
another 10 minutes go by. She has mittens on, but is still screaming about the boots.
3 minutes later, a teacher's aide knocks on our door. She brought Ethan home for us.
"Thanks. "
"We have Ethan now mom! Can we take this stuff off and play?"
"Sure Honey."
"Mo-om! Can I have lunch?"
"In a minute honey. Mom needs a rest from getting ready to get you, okay?"

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

awww :(

That's too discouraging. I'm sorry.

Keep up the good work, though. Training those children to follow after our Lord is the best thing you can be doing with your time! I really admire you!