Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We now interrupt our regular holiday programming

for a snowfall outside, an avalanche of drawings, and a sick 17 mo old boy. Yep, baby guy has been out of sorts since last Friday afternoon. His fever broke Sunday night, but he's still a tad congested and has a bad case of velcro-lint syndrome. Anyone ever try to pick lint out of velcro? Well, that's the effort it takes for me to remove baby guys arms from around my neck. I'd just let him stay there, but I do have to cook, tend the two year old and stuff.

Now he's starting to feel better he does occasionally detach himself, to color with markers, steal his sister's drink or his brother's lunch, or strip. Yep. If it's just a t-shirt or elastic waist pants baby guy is proving his non-babyness by removing it. Today he's zipped into a sleeper so he's stuck.

Baby guy is also starting to speak in phrases like "where'z i' go?"

He's growing up pretty quickly. MaybeI may need a new, more age appropriate name for him on here. Or maybe not. As long as he wears dipes and drinks from a sippy cup...nah. He's the youngest. He'll always be my baby guy.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

hehe "velcro-lent syndrome"...cute! Hope he's feeling better.