Thursday, December 4, 2008

Which holiday is it?

This morning Princess D is sitting at the other desk behind me happily making valentines.

"Mom, where's the valentine stuff?" she asks, peering into the craft cabinet.
"Honey, it's not out yet. It's only December. Valentines Day is in February."
"Oh." she sighs sadly, with her head tilting down.
"But you can make valentines anyway if you want to. There's construction paper right in front of you, and we have glitter glue and everything."
"Really! Glitter Glue?!"

You'd think glitter glue was the world's greatest treasure from this response, and to my kids it probably is. I only buy the stuff a couple of times a year. It has a mess potential only rivaled by paint. I should probably buy it more often. It's a lot easier to clean up than paint. On the rare occasions I buy paint, they look up to the heavens to see if the sky is falling.

So, glitter glue, construction paper, and scissors have occupied our daughter for the entire morning so far. Valentine's Day, Christmas. It's still about love.