Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The floodgates of fall are starting to be opened.

Football has officially started. Our oldest had his first "conditioning" practice yesterday. After it he was hot, sweaty, and smiling. He's ready to go back today. I think we may have finally found something for our bookish video game junkie to do for exercise without complaining. Or is it that I told him if he made it through this week without complaining he could pick the snacks and the movie we watch at home on Friday night?

His coach told us this week was the only week it would be every day. Starting next week it would be MWF at 6. Hmmm. Flag practice is MW at 6.....at a different school. Dance is 4-6 on M or W. Anyone know how to teleport? In reality, it will be okay. Our oldest will just be dropped off a little early, with a cell phone in case he needs to call us.

It's hard to believe that our kids do so much stuff now we "need" two cars, and we "need" a third cell phone for when we have to drop one off. Does this mean we're too busy? That we don't know how to say no, or find your own ride? What's it going to be like when Mathletics starts, and student council, and scouts, and band? 5th grade seems awefully young to be this busy. I don't remember having that many activities in the fire until high school. They're all good things, but is it too much?

So far, he seems to handle it well. His best grades last year were when he was the busiest. No matter what he'll find time to read, hang with his friends, and play on his DS....when he finds it.

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