Wednesday, July 8, 2009

blue skies and blue carpet.

It's amazing the range of emotions children can experience in a short time. They can go from crying to fascinated to happy to furious in just a few minutes. Sometimes, they take the adults with them along for the ride. The thing is, as adults, we aren't allowed to express the full emotional spectrum. My three preschoolers today have brought out an amazing range of behavior. Some of it warm fuzzy picture worthy, some of it tar and feather worthy. Well, maybe just glitter glue and carpet worthy.

Yes, this morning while I was finding Si shoes to go to the park, somebody dumped an entire bottle of elmers blue sparkly glue in the center of my living room carpet. Thing is, I didn't notice until we got home. I was just so happy to find shoes that fit Si and get out the door. Hey, he doesn't care if they're purple crocs w/ butterflies, why should I?

Perhaps it was good that I found this after the "warm fuzzy" experience. It wasn't so great to them that I wouldn't fix lunch until after it was cleaned up.
"Me help!"
"No, you go to your room. I'll call you guys when I'm ready."
"OooK!" Si is holding up my make up case....(and this is why my home will NEVER hit ground zero. It took me about an hour to clean up mess A. That's enough time for the destructive duo to make at least three other messes, especially w/ Diva girl directing.)
"Now Si. Let go please. That's a good boy." See, they are trainable...sort of.
At least the make up didn't end up smooshed into anything.

Lunch ended up being turkey and strawberries, w/ a bag of cereal dessert for Si, and chips for Phoebe. Diva girl refused to eat her sandwich because I didn't have any cheese with holes in it. I thought about taking a straw to our colby jack slices. I know what it's like to have Spiegel taste on a Wal-Mart budget.

So far the afternoon is going well. All is calm. The girls are cleaning their room w/ Si's help. Now, if I could just get a nap in.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

goodness! Sounds like you could definitely use one!

Did you get all the glitter glue out?