Monday, July 6, 2009

It's no big deal, but it is.

This morning, our oldest child is off on his first overnight adventure without a parent/grandparent with him....a four day adventure. He's pumped. He didn't even argue about going to bed last night, and actually tried to sleep! He didn't say goodbye when he left this morning, because the babes and I were still sleeping. He's almost eleven. It's time to let him fly.

Mr. M went into work a bit late so he could drop him off. He's the most considerate man in the world, sparing me the waking and loading of three preschool aged kids in the morning...and having to have windshield wipers for my glasses because I'd probably be crying so hard on the drive home.
So far I haven't cried today, well over him. It's been a long time since I've had only preschoolers at home, and three of them! Ack. I'm not as young as I used to be.

Overall, the house has been pretty quiet. With the middle two boys at G'mas, and our oldest off to camp, the t.v. has been off all morning. Other than the mine wars, an overflowing sink, and an exploding diaper, the morning has been pretty incident free. All the littles ask for is some pretend play time and food. I wouldn't say it's slower, or less busy, just focused differently. There's so much to do, but no schedule we have to follow. It's a nice place to be. All the same, I'm ready for Thursday when my boy is back home.

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