Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The game is afoot!

Tomorrow kicks off the "official week of holiday" around here. DH has the good fortune to be off from 3pm Dec. 24 thru January 2nd. If all goes well we hope to see two sets of parents, some siblings, an aunt & uncle w/ possibly a cousin or two, a great bunch of friends, a movie, a bowling alley, and Grandma's home arcade and entertainment haven. It's a busy week for a week off. Knock on wood that everyone gets/stays relatively healthy.

The kids are wild with excitement! Tomorrow is Uncle D! Why didn't his plane come today? Well, that white Christmas we all love dear isn't exactly an airplane's best friend...but tomorrow...tomorrow we'll see.......

Then tomorrow they'll be saying "One more day until CHRISTMAS!" and the one night of the year we desperately need them to go to bed early, they'll be up trying to think of excuses to come try to sneak peeks at presents. Except the presents don't appear until they're asleep. So it makes a VERY late night for mom and dad, especially on years like this, where a certain little girl is getting a b-i-k-e. (One year we had three! What were we thinking?!) Us elves need those cookies.

THen Christmas morning will come wa-ay too early, but no one can leave their room until 8. (Of course there are "spy runs up and down the stairs, and much whispering about the mystery of who gets which wrapping paper and which stocking.....All the presents for each child are in the same paper, with NO name....It does a pretty good job of keeping them from opening them before we're ready. Then all we have to do is have one parent yawn, and with a eek, giggle, uh-oh off they go.) The rest of Christmas will just have to wait. No one wants a blog opened about it too early.....so to all a good night.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Good idea to have a different wrapping paper for each kid!! :)